2023 Fierce

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The brainchild of CrossFit Games Champion, Camille Leblanc-Bazinet. Féroce provides fitness & nutrition coaching with sustainability & optimal health in mind.
What does Féroce mean?
With her French-Canadian roots, Camille chose the french word Féroce, meaning fierce, to embody the spirit & sentiment of the brand.
To be fierce is to be both strong & powerful but also fiercely confident in your appearance and your capacity to do anything you set your mind to! If you don’t feel this way now, you will! That’s our promise.

For Time (13 min cap)

Round 1:

M/F Pair 1

  • 5 Synchronized Kettlebell Deadlifts
  • 15ft Farmers Carry
  • 5 Synchronized Kettlebell Deadlifts
  • 10 Wall Walks
  • 15 Bar Muscle Ups
  • 20 Synchronized Wall Ball Shots 10’/9’

Round 2:

M/F Pair 2

  • 5 Synchronized Kettlebell Deadlifts
  • 15ft Farmers Carry
  • 5 Synchronized Kettlebell Deadlifts
  • 10 Wall Walks
  • 15 Ring Muscle Ups
  • 20 Synchronized Wall Ball Shots 10’/9’

Round 3:

M/F Pair 1

  • 5 Synchronized Kettlebell Deadlifts
  • 15ft Farmers Carry
  • 5 Synchronized Kettlebell Deadlifts
  • 10 Wall Walks
  • 15 Ring Muscle Ups
  • 20 Synchronized Wall Ball Shots 10’/9’

Round 4:

M/F Pair 2

  • 5 Synchronized Kettlebell Deadlifts
  • 15ft Farmers Carry
  • 5 Synchronized Kettlebell Deadlifts
  • 10 Wall Walks
  • 15 Bar Muscle Ups
  • 20 Synchronized Wall Ball Shots 10’/9’

*Score is time or total reps at the 13-minute cap*

Scaling Key

RX: Kettlebells 124/88, Wallballs 30/20

Masters 35+: Kettlebells 88/70, 30 Chest To Bar Each Round; NO MU, Wallballs 30/20, 

Intermediate/Masters 45+: Kettlebells 70/53, 30 Pull Ups Each Round; NO MU, Wallballs 20/14

Novice: Kettlebells 53/35, Scaled Wall Walk, 30 Ring Rows Each Round; NO MU, Wallballs 20/14

Team Flow

This workout begins with all four athletes in the starting box approximately 45 feet from the rig. At the call of 3, 2, 1, GO! the first mixed pair of athletes (M1/F1) will move to the 2 sets of kettlebells to complete 5 synchronized deadlifts, then farmers carry the kettlebells 15ft to the working area in the middle of the lane to complete another 5 synchronized deadlifts before setting them down. Athletes will then move to the rig to complete 10 wall walks with only one athlete working at a time. The non-working athlete will not be in the immediate working area. 

After the wall walks, both will complete 15 bar muscle ups, or scaled movement based on division, with only one athlete working at a time. The non-working athlete will not be in the immediate working area. 

Once complete, both athletes will move to perform 20 synchronized wall ball shots to their respective targets. After the last rep, athletes will move back to the start to tag M2/F2 to begin their workout.

From the tag, M2/F2 will move to the 2 sets of kettlebells,  approximately 15 ft from the start, to complete 5 synchronized deadlifts. Once finished, both athletes will farmers carry the kettlebells 15ft to the working area at the rig to complete another 5 synchronized deadlifts. M2/F2 will complete 10 wall walks, 15 ring muscle ups and 20 synchronized wall ball shots.

Once complete, both athletes will move back to the start to tag M1/F1 to begin their second round.

Once tagged, M1/F1 will move to the 2 sets of kettlebells at the rig to complete 5 synchronized deadlifts. Once finished, both athletes will farmers carry the kettlebells 15ft to the middle back towards the start of the lane to complete another 5 synchronized deadlifts before setting them down. M1/F1 will return to the rig to complete 10 wall walks, 15 ring muscle ups and 20 synchronized wall ball shots.

After the last rep, athletes will move back to the start to tag M2/F2 to begin their second round.

From the tag, M2/F2 will move to the 2 sets of kettlebells approximately 15 ft from the rig to complete 5 synchronized deadlifts. Once finished, both athletes will farmers carry the kettlebells 15ft to the working area at the start to complete another 5 synchronized deadlifts before setting them down. M2/F2 will return to the rig to the complete 10 wall walks, 15 ring muscle ups and 20 synchronized wall ball shots.

After the last rep, both athletes will move back to the start to complete the event.

The team’s score is the total time taken to complete the workout and return to the starting line. In the event of a time cap, the team’s score will be the total number of repetitions completed.

** Key Points for Teams**  Only the two working athletes may be on the competition floor at a time. Pairs cannot tag out until their portion of the workout is completed. A stepper will be available in each lane to assist with getting up to the bar or rings.


Bar Muscle Up: The athlete must begin with or pass through a hang below the bar, with arms fully extended and feet off the ground. Kipping the muscle-up is acceptable, but pull-overs, rolls to support, and glide kips are not permitted. No portion of the foot may rise above the lowest part of the bar during the kip. The athlete must pass through some portion of a dip before locking out over the bar.

Chest To Bar Pull Up: The athlete must start each rep with their arms fully extended and their feet off the ground. Any style of pull-up or grip is permitted as long as the other requirements are met. The rep is credited when the athlete’s chest clearly comes into contact with the bar at or below the collarbone.

Pull Up: The rep begins with the athlete hanging from the bar with arms fully extended and feet behind the plane of the rig. The rep is complete when the athlete’s chin rises above the bar. 

Ring Muscle Up: The rep begins with the athlete hanging from the rings with arms fully extended and feet behind the plane of the rig. The rep is complete when the athlete achieves elbow extension above the rings. One stepper will be available on the rig in each lane to assist with getting to the rings.

Ring Row: The rep begins with the athlete’s elbows fully extended and heels on the ground across the plane of the rig. The rep is complete when the athlete pulls until the chest or arms touch the rings. Kipping is permitted.

Synchronized Deadlift: The rep begins when both sets of kettlebells are simultaneously lifted from the ground and is complete when the both athlete’s hips and knees reach full extension with the shoulders in line with the hips at the same time. The arms must be straight throughout. The kettlebells must make contact with the ground between each rep.

Synchronized Wall Ball: The rep begins when the medicine ball is taken from the bottom of a squat, hip crease below the knee, and thrown to hit the specified target. The center of the ball must hit the target at or above the specified target height. If the ball hits low or does not hit the wall, it is a “no rep.” If the ball drops to the ground from the top, it cannot be caught off the bounce to begin the next rep. The ball must settle on the ground before being picked up for the next rep. The synchro portion of the rep will be counted at the bottom of the squat.

Wall Walks: For women, the distance from the wall to the tape is 55 inches. For men, the distance is 60 inches. This first line will be the start and finish line for each repetition. The line 10 inches from the wall is the top of the rep.

Every rep begins and ends with the athlete lying down, with the chest, feet, and thighs touching the ground. At the start and finish of each rep, both hands must touch the first tape line (fingers touching is OK). Both hands must remain on the tape until both feet are on the wall. At the top of the movement, both hands must touch the tape line at the 10-inch mark before the athlete may descend. Any part of the hand may touch the tape line.

On the descent, the feet must remain on the wall until both hands are touching the first line.

The rep is credited when the athlete returns to the starting position, with both hands touching the first line and the chest, thighs, and feet touching the ground. Any part of the hand may make contact with the tape line.

Wall Walk (SCALED ONLY): For all scaled athletes, the tape line is measured 55 inches from the wall to the edge of the tape that is CLOSEST to the wall.

Every rep begins and ends with the athlete lying down, with the chest, feet, and thighs touching the ground. At the start and finish of each rep, both hands must be in front of the tape line. No part of the hand may be touching the line. Both hands must remain in front of the tape until both feet are on the wall. The athlete will walk up the wall until both hands are on the other side of the tape line. 

On the descent, the feet must remain on the wall until both hands are in front of the tape line. No part of the hand may be touching the line. The fingers may NOT be touching the tape line. 

The rep is credited when the athlete returns to the starting position, with the hands in front of the line and the chest, thighs, and feet touching the ground.

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For time (10 min cap)

  • 5 KB Deadlifts
  • 15ft Farmers Carry
  • 5 KB Deadlifts
  • 5 Wall Walk
  • 15 Bar Muscle Ups
  • 20 Wall Ball Shots 10’/9’
  • 5 KB Deadlifts
  • 15ft Farmers Carry
  • 5 KB Deadlifts
  • 5 Wall Walk
  • 15 Ring Muscle Ups
  • 20 Wall Ball Shots 10’/9’
  • 5 KB Deadlifts
  • 30ft Farmers Carry
  • 5 KB Deadlifts

*Score is time or total reps at the 10 min cap*

Scaling Key

Elite: Kettlebells 124/88, 8 Deadlifts, 16 Bar Muscle Ups/ Ring Muscle Ups, Wallballs 30/20

RX: Kettlebells 124/88, 15 Bar Muscle Ups/ Ring Muscle Up, Wallballs 30/20

Masters 35-39: Kettlebells 88/70, MEN: 10 Bar Muscle Ups/10 Ring Muscle Ups WOMEN: 10 Bar Muscle Ups/10 Bar Muscle Ups, Wallballs 30/20

Masters 40-44: Kettlebells 88/70, MEN: 10 Bar Muscle Ups/10 Bar Muscle Ups WOMEN: 20 Chest 2 Bar/20 Chest 2 Bar, Wallballs 20/14

Masters 45-49: Kettlebells 70/53, 20 Pull Ups/20 Chest 2 Bar, Wallballs 20/14

Masters 50+: Kettlebells 70/53, 20 Pull Ups/20 Pull Ups, Wallballs 20/14

Masters 60+: Kettlebells 53/35, Scaled Wall Walk, 20 Pull Ups/20 Pull Ups, Wallballs 20/14

Intermediate: Kettlebells 70/53, 20 Pull Ups/20 Pull Ups, Wallballs 20/14

Novice: Kettlebells 53/35, Scaled Wall Walk, 20 Ring Rows/20 Ring Rows, Wallballs 20/14

Individual Flow

This workout begins with the athlete in the starting box approximately 45 feet from the rig. At the call of 3, 2, 1, GO! the athlete will move to the pair of kettlebells to complete 5 deadlifts, then farmers carry the kettlebells 15ft to the working area in the middle of the lane to complete another 5 deadlifts before setting them down. From there, the athlete will move to the rig to complete 5 wall walks.

After completing the wall walks, the athlete will complete 15 bar muscle ups or scaled movement based on division. Next, the athlete will perform 20 wall ball shots then move back to the set of kettlebells to perform 5 deadlifts and a 15ft farmers carry to the working area at the rig for another 5 deadlifts.

Afterwards, the athlete will complete the second round of 5 wall walks, then 15 ring muscle ups or scaled movement based on division and another set of 20 wall ball shots.

Once complete, the athlete will move back to the pair of kettlebells at the rig to perform 5 deadlifts and 30ft farmers carry back to the start to complete the final 5 deadlifts.

After the last rep, the athlete will move across the starting line to complete the event.

The athlete’s score is the total time taken to complete the workout and return to the starting line. In the event of a time cap, the score will be the total number of repetitions completed.


Bar Muscle Up: The athlete must begin with or pass through a hang below the bar, with arms fully extended and feet off the ground. Kipping the muscle-up is acceptable, but pull-overs, rolls to support, and glide kips are not permitted. No portion of the foot may rise above the lowest part of the bar during the kip. The athlete must pass through some portion of a dip before locking out over the bar.

Chest To Bar Pull Up: The athlete must start each rep with their arms fully extended and their feet off the ground. Any style of pull-up or grip is permitted as long as the other requirements are met. The rep is credited when the athlete’s chest clearly comes into contact with the bar at or below the collarbone.

Deadlift: The rep begins when both sets of kettlebells are simultaneously lifted from the ground and is complete when the both athlete’s hips and knees reach full extension with the shoulders in line with the hips. The arms must be straight throughout.

Pull Up: The rep begins with the athlete hanging from the bar with arms fully extended and feet behind the plane of the rig. The rep is complete when the athlete’s chin rises above the bar. One stepper will be available on the rig in each lane to assist with getting to the rings.

Ring Muscle Up: The rep begins with the athlete hanging from the rings with arms fully extended and feet behind the plane of the rig. The rep is complete when the athlete achieves elbow extension above the rings. One stepper will be available on the rig in each lane to assist with getting to the rings.

Ring Row: The rep begins with the athlete’s elbows fully extended and heels on the ground across the plane of the rig. The rep is complete when the athlete pulls until the chest or arms touch the rings. Kipping is permitted.

Wall Ball:  The rep begins when the medicine ball is taken from the bottom of a squat, hip crease below the knee, and thrown to hit the specified target. The center of the ball must hit the target at or above the specified target height. If the ball hits low or does not hit the wall, it is a “no rep.” If the ball drops to the ground from the top, it cannot be caught off the bounce to begin the next rep. The ball must settle on the ground before being picked up for the next rep. The synchro portion of the rep will be counted at the bottom of the squat.

Wall Walks: For women, the distance from the wall to the tape is 55 inches. For men, the distance is 60 inches. This first line will be the start and finish line for each repetition. The line 10 inches from the wall is the top of the rep.

Every rep begins and ends with the athlete lying down, with the chest, feet, and thighs touching the ground. At the start and finish of each rep, both hands must touch the first tape line (fingers touching is OK). Both hands must remain on the tape until both feet are on the wall. At the top of the movement, both hands must touch the tape line at the 10-inch mark before the athlete may descend. Any part of the hand may touch the tape line.

On the descent, the feet must remain on the wall until both hands are touching the first line.

The rep is credited when the athlete returns to the starting position, with both hands touching the first line and the chest, thighs, and feet touching the ground. Any part of the hand may make contact with the tape line.

Wall Walk (SCALED ONLY): For all scaled athletes, the tape line is measured 55 inches from the wall to the edge of the tape that is CLOSEST to the wall.

Every rep begins and ends with the athlete lying down, with the chest, feet, and thighs touching the ground. At the start and finish of each rep, both hands must be in front of the tape line. No part of the hand may be touching the line. Both hands must remain in front of the tape until both feet are on the wall. The athlete will walk up the wall until both hands are on the other side of the tape line.

On the descent, the feet must remain on the wall until both hands are in front of the tape line. No part of the hand may be touching the line. The fingers may NOT be touching the tape line.

The rep is credited when the athlete returns to the starting position, with the hands in front of the line and the chest, thighs, and feet touching the ground.

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