2024 Elite Fuji

Elite Individuals

For time (11 Min cap):

  • 10 squat snatches at 155/105
  • 8 squat snatches at 185/125
  • 6 squat snatches at 205/145
  • 4 squat snatches at 225/155
  • 2 squat snatches at 245/165

 *Score is time to complete this workout or total reps completed at time cap

Scaling Key

Men: 155 / 185 / 205 / 225 / 245 

Women: 105 / 125 / 145 / 155 / 165

Elite Individual Flow

Athletes will use the designated male/female barbell.  The workout begins with athletes in the starting box.  The barbell will be loaded with the designated starting weight in the center of the mat with additional plates to the side. 

At the call of 3-2-1 go! Athletes will move to the barbell to complete the 10 squat snatches at the prescribed weight. After the 10th rep is complete, the athlete will load the barbell with the next designated weight and complete 8 reps. The athlete will follow this pattern following the designated rep/weight combination until they clear the final bar and return to the starting box for time or total completed reps at the 11 minute cap.

** The first weight will be loaded on the barbell. Athletes will be responsible for changing their own weights once the workout begins. Clips are ALWAYS required before attempting a rep.

*Score will be time to complete this workout or reps at the time cap.


Snatch: The rep begins with the barbell on the ground and must be lifted overhead in one motion. Touch-and-go is permitted. No bouncing or dropping and catching the barbell on the rebound. Once dropped, the barbell must settle on the ground before the athlete begins the next repetition.

The athlete must pass through a full squat with hips below the knees. Catching the bar while above parallel will only be allowed if the athlete continues to drop below parallel in a smooth motion, without pausing or rising before achieving the required depth. A power snatch followed by an overhead squat will not be allowed.

The barbell must come to full lockout overhead, with the hips, knees and arms fully extended, and the bar directly over or slightly behind the middle of the body. This is not ground-to-overhead in any way.

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