2024 Pacific

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Equipment for ANY & EVERY athlete on their personal fitness journey

For Time: 14 Minute Cap

  • Male Pair 360 ft sled push (6-30 ft laps down and back)
  • 20 Team Sync Burpees
  • Female Pair 50 Dumbbell Bench Press 
  • Male Pair 50 Dumbbell Bench Press 
  • Female Pair 25 Bar Muscle Ups 
  • Male Pair 25 Bar Muscle Ups 
  • Female Pair 50 Wall Ball Shots 
  • Male Pair 50 Wall Ball Shots
  • 20 Team Sync Burpees
  • Female Pair 360 ft sled push (6-30 ft laps down and back)

Scaling Key:

RX: 70/50 lbs, Bar Muscle Ups, 30/20 lbs Wall Balls, Sled (Heavy Resistance)

Masters 35+: 50/35 lbs, Bar Muscle Ups (Male)/ 50 Chest to Bar Pull Ups (Female), 20/14 Wall balls, Sled (Heavy Resistance)

Intermediate/Masters 45+: 35/25 lbs, 50 Pull Ups, 20/14 Wall Balls, Sled (Medium Resistance)

Novice: 25/15 lbs, 50 Ring Rows, 20/14 Wall Balls, Sled (Light Resistance)

Team Flow

Teams will begin inside the starting box. At the call of 3-2-1 GO! One male athlete will move to the competition space to complete 1 of 6 sled push laps, moving from the starting box to the rig and back to the starting box. Athletes may switch out at any time. Only one athlete at a time is permitted in the working area.

Once the 6th lap is complete, all four athletes will move to the working area in the middle of the lane to complete 20 synchronized burpees.

After the burpees are complete, all four athletes will move to the bench press working area in front of the rig. Here, the female pair will begin work on 50 dumbbell bench presses. Athletes may switch out at any time. Only one athlete at a time is permitted in the working area. Once complete, the female athletes will move from the bench press area to the rig, to wait for the male pair to complete 50 dumbbell bench presses in the same fashion.

After the males finish the bench press, they will move to the rig and tag the females, who will then start on 25 bar muscle-ups or 50 of the scaled reps per their division. Athletes can switch out at any time, but only one athlete is allowed in the working area at a time. Once the females are done, they will tag the awaiting males to move into the working area to complete 25 bar muscle-ups or 50 of the scaled reps per their division in the same manner.

Once the male bar muscle ups are complete, they will tag the females who will then begin work on 50 wall ball shots. Athletes can switch out at any time, but only one athlete is allowed in the working area at a time. Once the females are done, they will tag the awaiting males to move into the working area to complete 50 wall ball shots in the same fashion.

After the final wall ball shot is completed, all four athletes will move to the working area in the middle of the lane to complete 20 synchronized burpees. 

Once the burpees are complete, all four athletes will move back to the starting box. From here, one female athlete will move to the competition space to complete 1 of 6 sled push laps, moving from the starting box to the rig and back to the starting box. Athletes may switch out at any time. Only one athlete at a time is permitted in the working area.

Score is time to complete the workout or total reps at the 14 minute time cap.


Bar Muscle Up: The athlete must begin with or pass through a hang below the bar, with arms fully extended and feet off the ground. Kipping the muscle-up is acceptable, but pullovers, rolls to support, and glide kips are not permitted. No portion of the foot may rise above the lowest part of the bar during the kip. The athlete must pass through some portion of a dip before locking out over the bar. The rep is complete once the athlete achieves full lock out above the bar. One stepper will be available on the rig in each lane to assist with getting to the bar.

Bench Press: The attempt starts with one dumbbell in each hand and the athlete lying on the bench with full extension of the arms. Before lowering, the athlete must pause with the arms clearly extended over their torso. Both feet must remain on the floor (or bumper plates) throughout the entire rep. The shoulders and buttocks must remain in contact with the bench throughout the rep. One head on each of the dumbbells must make contact with any part of the torso at the bottom. The athlete may NOT pause or rest with the dumbbells on the torso. The rep counts when the arms return to full extension with the dumbbells over the athlete’s chest and shoulders. Athletes may rest in the upright, seated position, but may not pause at the bottom of the press.

Chest to Bar Pull Up: The athlete must start each rep with arms fully extended and their feet off the ground. Any style of pull-up or grip is permitted as long as the other requirements are met. The rep is complete when the chest clearly comes into contact with the bar at or below the collarbone. One stepper will be available on the rig in each lane to assist with getting to the bar.

Pull Up: The rep begins with the athlete hanging from the bar with arms fully extended and feet behind the plane of the rig. The rep is complete when the chin rises above the bar. One stepper will be available on the rig in each lane to assist with getting to the bar.

Ring Row: The rep begins with the athletes’ elbows fully extended and heels on the ground across the plane of the rig. The rep is complete when the athletes pull until the chest or arms touch the rings. Kipping is permitted.

Synchronized Burpee: Teams can face the same or opposite directions. The repetition begins when athletes jump or step back to reach the bottom position, with chest and hips touching the ground at the same time. Stepping and/or jumping back to the starting position are both permitted. Each athlete MUST clearly extend hips and move both feet off the ground with hands above the shoulders. The rep is credited when all athletes’ jump with hands above the shoulders. If the athlete receives a “no rep” for any reason, the entire rep must be repeated.

Tank Sled Push: A Valor Fitness Sled will be used (see photo). The sled has mechanical resistance and will be adjusted to fit each division. Every athlete will be able to move the sled! The rep begins with the sled entirely behind the starting line. Athletes will face the sled and use both arms to push the sled forward until the entire sled crosses the 30ft line. From here, athletes will move to the opposite side of the sled to push it back to the start to designate one lap.

Wall Balls: The rep begins when the medicine ball is taken from the bottom of a squat, hip crease below the knee, and thrown to hit the specified target. The center of the ball must hit the target at or above the specified target height. If the ball hits low or does not hit the wall, it is a “no rep.” If the ball drops to the ground from the top, it cannot be caught off the bounce to begin the next rep. The ball must settle on the ground before being picked up for the next rep.

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For Time:  11 Minute Cap

  • 150ft Sled Push (2.5 x 30ft laps down and back)
  • 18 Dumbbell Bench Press
  • 12 Bar Muscle Ups 
  • 18 Wall Ball Shots
  • 120ft Sled Push (2 x 30ft down and back)
  • 18 Wall Ball Shots
  • 12 Bar Muscle Ups 
  • 18 Dumbbell Bench Press
  • 90ft Sled Push (1.5 x 30ft down and down)

Scaling Key:

Elite: 70/50 lbs, Bar Muscle Ups, 30/20 lbs Wall Balls, Sled (Heavy Resistance)

RX: 50/35 lbs, Bar Muscle Ups, 30/20 lbs Wall Balls, Sled (Heavy Resistance)


Masters 35-39: 50/35 lbs, Bar Muscle Ups, 30/20 Wall balls, Sled (Heavy Resistance)

Masters 40-44: 50/35 lbs, Bar Muscle Ups (Male)/ 24 Chest to Bar Pull Ups (Female), 20/14 Wall balls, Sled (Medium Resistance)

Masters 45-49: 50/35 lbs, 24 Chest to Bar Pull Ups, 20/14 Wall Balls, Sled (Medium Resistance)

Masters 50-54: 35/25, 24 Chest to Bar Pull Ups, 20/14 Wall Balls, Sled (Medium Resistance)

Masters 55-59: 35/25, 24 Chest to Bar Pull Ups, 20/14 Wall Balls, Sled (Medium Resistance)

Masters 60+: 35/25, 24 Pull Ups, 20/14 Wall Balls, Sled (Medium Resistance)


Intermediate: 35/25 lbs, 24 Pull Ups, 20/14 Wall Balls, Sled (Medium Resistance)

Novice: 25/15 lbs, 24 Ring Rows, 20/14 Wall Balls, Sled (Light Resistance)


Teens RX: 35/25 lbs, 24 Pull Ups, 20/14 Wall Balls, Sled (Medium Resistance)

Teens Novice: 25/15 lbs, 24 Ring Rows, 20/14 Wall Balls, Sled (Light Resistance)

Individual Flow

The athlete will begin inside the starting box. At the call of 3-2-1 GO! The athlete will move to the competition space to complete 2.5 sled push laps. The distance from the starting box to the rig and back to the starting box designates one lap. The half lap will be completed at the rig. 

At the rig, the athlete will move to the bench press working area in front of the rig. Here, the athlete will begin work on 18 dumbbell bench presses. 

After the bench press, the athlete will move to the rig to begin work on 12 bar muscle ups, or 24 scaled reps per their division, and 18 wall ball shots. 

Once the wall ball shots are complete, the athlete will move back to the sled to complete 2 sled push laps, finishing back at the rig.  Back at the rig, the athlete will begin work on 18 wall ball shots, 12 bar muscle ups, or 24 scaled reps per their division, and 18 bench presses in the manner described above.

After the final bench press is complete, the athlete will move back sled to complete 1.5 sled push laps, finishing back at the start. The athlete must cross the start line to finish this workout.

Score is time to complete the workout or total reps at the 11 minute time cap.


Bar Muscle Up: The athlete must begin with or pass through a hang below the bar, with arms fully extended and feet off the ground. Kipping the muscle-up is acceptable, but pullovers, rolls to support, and glide kips are not permitted. No portion of the foot may rise above the lowest part of the bar during the kip. The athlete must pass through some portion of a dip before locking out over the bar. The rep is complete once the athlete achieves full lock out above the bar. One stepper will be available on the rig in each lane to assist with getting to the bar.

Bench Press: The attempt starts with one dumbbell in each hand and the athlete lying on the bench with full extension of the arms. Before lowering, the athlete must pause with the arms clearly extended over their torso. Both feet must remain on the floor (or bumper plates) throughout the entire rep. The shoulders and buttocks must remain in contact with the bench throughout the rep. One head on each of the dumbbells must make contact with any part of the torso at the bottom. The athlete may NOT pause or rest with the dumbbells on the torso. The rep counts when the arms return to full extension with the dumbbells over the athlete’s chest and shoulders. Athletes may rest in the upright, seated position, but may not pause at the bottom of the press.

Chest to Bar Pull Up: The athlete must start each rep with arms fully extended and their feet off the ground. Any style of pull-up or grip is permitted as long as the other requirements are met. The rep is complete when the chest clearly comes into contact with the bar at or below the collarbone. One stepper will be available on the rig in each lane to assist with getting to the bar.

Pull Up: The rep begins with the athlete hanging from the bar with arms fully extended and feet behind the plane of the rig. The rep is complete when the chin rises above the bar. One stepper will be available on the rig in each lane to assist with getting to the bar.

Ring Row: The rep begins with the athletes’ elbows fully extended and heels on the ground across the plane of the rig. The rep is complete when the athletes pull until the chest or arms touch the rings. Kipping is permitted.

Synchronized Burpee: Teams can face the same or opposite directions. The repetition begins when athletes jump or step back to reach the bottom position, with chest and hips touching the ground at the same time. Stepping and/or jumping back to the starting position are both permitted. Each athlete MUST clearly extend hips and move both feet off the ground with hands above the shoulders. The rep is credited when all athletes’ jump with hands above the shoulders. If the athlete receives a “no rep” for any reason, the entire rep must be repeated.

Tank Sled Push: A Valor Fitness Sled will be used (see photo). The sled has mechanical resistance and will be adjusted to fit each division. Every athlete will be able to move the sled! The rep begins with the sled entirely behind the starting line. Athletes will face the sled and use both arms to push the sled forward until the entire sled crosses the 30ft line. From here, athletes will move to the opposite side of the sled to push it back to the start to designate one lap.

Wall Balls: The rep begins when the medicine ball is taken from the bottom of a squat, hip crease below the knee, and thrown to hit the specified target. The center of the ball must hit the target at or above the specified target height. If the ball hits low or does not hit the wall, it is a “no rep.” If the ball drops to the ground from the top, it cannot be caught off the bounce to begin the next rep. The ball must settle on the ground before being picked up for the next rep.

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